How To Sign Up For Feetfinder: Everything You Need To Know (2024)

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We take a deep dive into how to sell on FeetFinder. Create an account and make your first sales.

If you want to become a Feetfinder seller, you’ll need to make a Feetfinder account. On this page, we want to teach you how to sign up for Feetfinder. We’ll then walk you through how to sell on FeetFinder. By the end of this page, you’ll have more of an idea of how the process works.

Learning how to sell on FeetFinder isn’t really all that difficult. You can make an account and start selling quickly. Although, you will want to make sure that you have some pictures ready to go! We’ll come to that part, though.

How to Start a Feetfinder Account

So, first things first, let’s walk you through how to sign up for FeetFinder. The process is incredibly fast, and it has just four steps. Before you start selling, you will need to verify your identity. Although, there is no need to verify your identity if you are just planning on buying content.

Step 1: Visit the Website

To get started, you’ll need to visit the FeetFinder website using the link on this page. This is the fastest way to sign up for FeetFinder.

Once you are on the site, look for the register or ‘Join’ button.

Step 2: Register

Once you hit that join button, you’ll need to start filling in the registration form. It is a quick form, but make sure that you only put accurate details in during the FeetFinder sign-up. If you don’t, then you could lose your account, or you may not receive important information from FeetFinder.

We have a couple of tips for you here.

  1. Make sure that you create an email address solely for FeetFinder. This way, you can keep your feet pic selling separate from the rest of what you do on the website.
  2. Do not use your real name in your username. In fact, don’t share any identifiable information in your username. If you do, there is a real risk that you could have somebody work out who you are, and we are positive that you don’t want that to happen!

Other than that, the information that you need to include on your profile is basic stuff. You won’t be encountering anything that you haven’t seen on a billion internet forms before, so you’ve got this!

Step 3: Wait For Identity Verification

If you are planning on buying photos on FeetFinder, you are done. You can start to buy photos to your heart’s content. It’s pretty cool! Obviously, you will be asked to attach a payment method when you make the first purchase on the site.

If you are selling photos, then you need to complete one more step. This is to submit verification. This accomplishes two things:

  1. You verify that you are over the age of 18.
  2. You verify information related to tax (only if you live in the US. If you are outside the US, then you’re on your own there)

FeetFinder will walk you through the verification process. It really is nothing more than you holding your ID up in front of your face, snapping a photo, and then sending it to FeetFinder.

Until you submit this ID, you cannot sell on the platform. You can’t even upload your photographs!

The verification takes between 24-48 hours, so a decent chunk of time. This is because everything needs to be done manually. As you can imagine, since FeetFinder is a new online website, they get a lot of sign-ups every single day and they don’t quite have the staff to check identities quickly. Who knows, though? They could be taking on more staff in the future and this means that the verification is going to be even quicker for you!

Step 4: Start Selling Your Feet Pics Online!

Once you have received your approval, it is time to start selling your pics online! As soon as the verification is complete, you’ll receive an email. If you can’t be verified, then FeetFinder will give you further steps. However, as long as your ID looks fine and you look fantastic in your pictures i.e. your face looks like your ID, then you are ready to roll.

Once you have verified your identity, you will never need to verify your identity for FeetFinder again! We told you it is a simple process, didn’t we?

In the next section we teach you how to be successful selling feet pics on FeetFinder, which is the reason why you are heading there, right?

Becoming a Feetfinder Seller: Selling Your First Pictures

So, you’ve got your account. Great! Time to start making money, although do bear in mind that this is not going to be an easy process. Yes, there are men and women making thousands and thousands of dollars per month on FeetFinder, but the competition is high. Unless you get lucky, you won’t be making cash right away. You’ll need to market yourself, build up your profile, etc.

Don’t worry, though. Our team knows how to make money on FeetFinder, so we have got plenty of advice to share with you over the next few sections. Basically, we are going to walk you through how you can start making money on FeetFinder, step-by-step. This is exact information that you need after you have learned how to sign up to Feetfinder.

Know Your Market

As we said, FeetFinder is an insanely competitive website. If you just dive in feet first (yes, pun intended), then you aren’t going to have that much success at all. You see, success on FeetFinder is based on proper research and giving people exactly what they want ton the platform.

While you are waiting for your account verification to go through, we suggest that you head on over to the top seller list on FeetFinder. It should be pretty easy to find. Have a look at the type of stuff that they are selling to their customers. This will tell you exactly what sells on the platform, you want to be selling broadly similar content.

Of course, you can also go down a completely different path here. Rather than take aim at what the top sellers on the platform are doing, why not do your own thing? Think about where your feet-related talents are. Do you have ugly feet? Do you do lots of sports? Do you like cum dripping off your toes? All of that can have a major impact on the type of content that you want to be adding to your profile.

If you can carve out a unique niche for yourself on FeetFinder, then we reckon that you will have a considerably easier time selling your content there. This is because picking up fetish customers becomes a lot easier.

We won’t dive too much into choosing the right pictures for your site here. There are plenty more guides out there that you can use. Just know that selling pictures is all about giving the market what they want. This is your business, after all.

Decide How You Want To Sell Your Pictures

This is another thing you can do when waiting for your FeetFinder sign-up to be approved. Consider how you should be selling your pictures. You have three options available on FeetFinder:

  • Standard individual image sales (or as part of an image gallery)
  • Subscription
  • Custom photos

Both standard images and subscriptions can be added directly to your profile from the second you are approved to sell on the platform. If you want to sell custom photos, then you will need to wait for people to reach out to you.

Ideally, during the early days, you will want to stick to individual image sales. You may even want to give one or two images away for free, just so people get a taste of what you and your profile bring to the table.

We wouldn’t really recommend that you start with a subscription. Unless you fill a really, really small niche (and nobody else on FeetFinder provides that), then you probably aren’t going to make that much cash. In fact, you won’t get any subscribers at all. Once you have built up a bit of a reputation online, then you can start to run a cheap subscription.

Custom photos will come with time. You never really know when they are going to roll in. However, as long as you take some quality photos, then you should get a few custom photo requests here and there. It is custom photos that will provide you with the bulk of your income on FeetFinder.

So, what about pricing? Well, for custom photos, feel free to charge however much you want. The amount you charge will depend on how customized that photo is and how much effort you need to put in.

If you are selling standard photos, then we suggest you have a couple of them for free. You can sell image galleries for $5 a piece. If there are nudes in the galleries, then you can bump this up to $10-$15, depending on how nude you get.

Remember, the goal isn’t to overcharge with your initial photos. Your goal is to, eventually, draw people in so that they can buy custom photos from you. So, you don’t want to price yourself out of the market and stop that from happening.

Start Uploading

Once you have decided how you want to sell your pics, it is time to start snapping them. How you go about this is up to you. We have written a ton of guides on producing quality content elsewhere on this website. Check those out. All we really suggest is the following:

  • Use a professional camera set-up, if possible.
  • Make sure that your feet are at the center of the photo.
  • Let your feet pics tell a story. Why are you taking them? Is it because they are covered in soap? Is it because you are painting your nails?
  • Try to make your photos as anonymous as possible. If you want to ensure nobody finds out who you are, at least.
  • Snap a few photos at once. You can sell them as part of a gallery.
  • Try and get a few videos together too. You can make more money from them.

Obviously, you can’t start uploading your photos until you have approval from FeetFinder. So, you may need to wait 24-48 hours. Still, it gives you a bit of time to take some photos. We suggest snapping a few photos that you can upload over the course of several weeks.

Promote Yourself

If you are lucky, you can upload pictures and the sales will roll in very quickly. Although, unfortunately, it is rare to be that lucky. If you want to be successful on FeetFinder, you’ll need to promote yourself away from FeetFinder.

We have had the most success on:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Both allow you to upload feet pics, and you can drive people toward your FeetFinder profile. There are plenty of guides out there for using both platforms, so you shouldn’t have too many issues learning to market yourself.

Later on, you may even want to get your own website up and running, which could drive even more traffic to your FeetFinder profile. It doesn’t even need to be a good website. A basic one could have you up and running in next to time at all.

Make Your First Sales

It may take a few days, sometimes weeks, for your first sales to roll in. However, don’t feel discouraged. There are a lot of people on FeetFinder, but there are also a lot of buyers too.

Once you make your first sale, the rest will come in pretty quickly. This is assuming that you have made quality content that your buyers love. If they walk away feeling as if they didn’t get their money’s worth, then you will struggle to make cash on FeetFinder.

Eventually, people will request custom content from you (there is a messaging system on the site), so feel free to sell content like that. This is where the bulk of your cash will be made, and if you can grab a few sales like that, you could be sitting on a goldmine!

Keep Uploading Content

If you want to make cash on FeetFinder, then keep uploading content. You should be uploading at least once or twice per week. Don’t go overboard, though. You don’t want to overload people with content.

Have a clear schedule about when you will be uploading content. Let your customers know when to expect it. For example, you should always upload your content on a Wednesday.

As you become more and more successful on the platform, you may even want to consider running a subscription for your content too. This could drive even more cash in your direction. Although, if you do have a subscription for your content, make sure that you are

Getting Paid by Feetfinder

When you learn how to sign up for FeetFinder, you will notice that you don’t have to give your payment details. You don’t have to give them until you make your first withdrawal on the platform.

In order to make your first withdrawal, you will need to earn $30 on FeetFinder. This is after FeetFinder’s 20% commission.

Once you have reached the minimum, you can request a withdrawal at any time. You can do this from your account. You will need to choose your payout method. If you are located in the US, then this will need to be done via bank transfer.

Once you have requested a withdrawal, it should take 3-5 days to land in your bank account. So, it is a fast process.

If you live in the US then, at the end of the year, you’ll be given all the documents that you need to file your taxes. Nice and easy!

Feetfinder: Is the Site Worth It?

If you want to sell feet pictures online, then we don’t think there is a better website than Feetfinder.

As we said, Feetfinder makes the registration process incredibly easy. You could be selling your first feet pics in 24-48 hours. If you market yourself properly, then this could absolutely become a reality for many people out there. There is a lot of money to be made selling feet pics online.

Because this is a dedicated foot fetish website, you can also benefit from the fact that absolutely everybody buying on the platform is in love with feet. This is a captive market. If you produce good quality content, then people will come and buy from you.

FeetFinder also provides a ton of different ways for you to make money from your content. In fact, FeetFinder is one of the only foot fetish websites that allows you to sell nudes. This means that a lot of people will pay some serious cash for your feet pics.

You will also love the fact that the site is reputable. FeetFinder hasn’t been around for a long period of time, but it has managed to gain a reputation for treating both the customers and the sellers incredibly well. Everything on the platform is held behind secure servers, and the customer support team is very responsive. If you have an account here, we can promise you that you are in the safest possible hands. In fact, this is the only foot fetish website that we use for that reason alone.

So, the answer is “Yes, FeetFinder is recommended”. We can’t think of a single-foot fetish website online where you can make as much cash as you can on FeetFinder. There are women who are earning thousands of dollars per month on FeetFinder. Some of them have even started to use FeetFinder as a replacement for Only Fans, especially since you are much more likely to find people into the foot fetish over at FeetFinder than you are to find one on OnlyFans.


How Long Does It Take To Make a Feetfinder Account?

It takes just a few minutes to make an account. However, if you want to be approved to sell, then the verification process will take 24-48 hours.

Do You Need ID For a Feetfinder account?

If you wish to buy feet pics on FeetFinder then you do not need to provide an ID. However, if you wish to sell on the platform then you need to take a photograph of yourself holding a government-issued ID. This way, Feetfinder can tell how old you are.

How old do you need to be to have a Feetfinder account?

Whether you are a buyer or seller on the platform, you will need to be 18 years old. This is because FeetFinder is an adult entertainment website. There is nudity there.

How long does it take to get paid when you sell pictures on Feetfinder?

You cannot get paid until you have earned a minimum of $30 on the platform. Once you have, you can request a withdrawal. It takes 3-5 days for the cash to be sent to your bank account.

Final Thoughts

FeetFinder is one of the largest foot pic-selling websites in the world. If you want to make money selling your feet pictures, then you need to know how to sign up for Feetfinder. Luckily, the process isn’t too difficult. It takes a few minutes to register for an account. If you want to sell, you will need to supply a picture of a government-issued ID. Once that is approved, you can start selling pics on FeetFinder. Approval takes just 24-48 hours. Get registered today to start!

How To Sign Up For Feetfinder: Everything You Need To Know (2024)
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